Disposal of CCA-Treated Timber
There is currently no adequate management of waste CCA-treated timber. As the waste is not classified as hazardous in Australia, it is being deposited in unlined landfills and burned (a regular practice in vineyards during autumn). Both are dangerous methods of disposal. The APVMA review does not provide any useful recommendations to alter this situation. Despite the lack of options, CCA-treated timber continues to be manufactured and widely used, increasing the volume that will require disposal. It is recommended that:
- CCA-treated timber waste is immediately classified as hazardous waste;
- Landfill disposal is a last resort and only properly engineered, lined landfills are used for this purpose;
- ‘Cradle to grave’ life cycle management of CCA products should be adopted immediately to minimise environmental and health risks;
- Reuse, recovery and recycling of CCA products be employed where they are fully researched and demonstrated to be safe;
- Further research be commissioned into waste management technologies for the waste;
- CCA registrants be required to demonstrate that emissions and waste arising from their activities do not pose an off-site health or environmental risks; and
- Incineration only be carried out if toxic gases, ash and other by-products can be captured and dealt with safely.