(An example of a US group that practices ecotage and monkey wrenching) Earth First! Do you think that far too many of our wild places have been sacrificed? Are you tired of mamby-pamby environmental groups that are more worried about their image than savingwilderness? Is membership in some international organization not enough for you? Do you hate the smell of compromise? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Earth First! is for you. Earth First! does not believe in compromise. We set forth the hard-line position of those who believe the Earth mustcome first. We are emotional, passionate, angry at times and raging the rest, yet we never lose our sense of humor. Earth First! is effective. Our front line, direct-action approach to protecting wilderness gets results. We have succeeded in cases where other environmental groups have givenup, and have drawn public attention to the crises facing the natural world. Earth First! is different from other environmental groups. We believe in using all the tools in the tool box, ranging from grassroots organizing and litigation to civil disobedience and monkeywrenching. Here are some things to keep in mind about Earth First! and some suggestions for being an active and effective Earth First!er: First of all, Earth First! is not an organization, but a movement. There are no members of Earth First!, only Earth Firsters. It is a belief in biocentrism, or Deep Ecology, and a practice of putting our beliefs into action. While there is a broad diversity within Earth First! from animal rights vegetarians to wilderness hunting guides, from monkeywrenchers to careful followers of Gandhi, from rowdy backwoods buckaroos to thoughtful philosophers, from misanthropes to humanistsQthere is agreement on one thing, the need for action! Earth First! has a newspaper which chronicles the actions of Earth First! and the radical environmental movement. The Earth First! Journal is published eight times a year on pagan holidays. The Earth First! Journal regularly includes information and updates on international campaigns; news and announcements about EF! and other radical environmental groups; reviews and critiques of the environmental movement; book and music reviews of interest to radical ecologists. Yearly subscriptions are $25 domestic rate, $35 first class (US, Canada, Mexico) and international surface mail, $45 international air mail, $50 institutional rate, and $15-$20 for low income or non-profit. Plain brown wrapper subscriptions are available for $35. A sample copy is available upon request. Our subscription list is kept confidential, and our list is not sold or loaned to anyone. Subscribers are welcome to use aliases for anonymity, especially if they work for the government. Earth First! POB 1415 Eugene, OR 97440 phone: (503) 741-9191 fax: (503) 741-9192 EcoNet: earthfirst Email: earthfirst@igc.apc.org![]() |