Femi Akomolafe Africa is said to be owing US$300+ billion. My question is where in Africa do we find projects worth this mind-boggling amount? Or are we to believe that corruption and bad government alone has consumed the money? I don't excuse corruption or bad government, but even then, we have to ask who paid the bribes? Where are the monies kept? It is this money banked by corrupt dictators that neo-colonial agencies like the IMF and the sadly-misnamed 'World-Bank' are lending back to us at usurious interest rates. It is the payment of these interests that African governments are starving their own people to pay back! Africa is transferring US$10 billion to Euro-American govts. & banks yearly, yet about the only thing we hear are obscene claims that they are giving us 'Economic Aid.' This is a call for action to help our continent. What can we do to galvanise action on these ever-continuing bleeding of our motherland. Corrupt Africans have money in Euro-American banks, theft which are known to these governments. If they want to help us, instead of sending us 'economic-aid,' why can't they seize these monies. Those who are able to prove that they earn their money legitimately should be allowed to keep it. The ones seized from dictators and 'businessmen' should be forfeited to pay the external debt. Nigerians are said to have about US$30 billion in foreign accounts, this sum is close to the country's total external debt. It goes without saying that these are monies looted from the Nigerian treasury. Instead of starving Nigerians and imposing cruel Structural Adjusment Policy, the IMF should try and redeem Nigeria's debt with this stolen money. The same can be done for Zaire This, IMO, will teach a lesson to would be treasury-looters. I welcome any suggestion on what we Africans in the diaspora can do to help stem the rape of our motherland. How can we find out and publish the accounts containing our stolen money? How can we send hate mails to the heads of the IMF, the World Bank and other agencies that are destroying lives in Africa. Do these guys have e-mail addresses? Let me know, please God bless Africa [I don't mean the Biblical god]
To: Multiple recipients of list DEVEL-L From: NAUVAX::ISABIRYE Date: 17-AUG-1994 16:50:25.94 Subj: Africa's debt ![]() |