Intergenerational equity is a concept that says
that humans 'hold the natural and cultural
environment of the Earth in common both with other
members of the present generation and with other
generations, past and future' (Weiss, 1990, p. 8).
It means that we inherit the Earth from previous
generations and have an obligation to pass it on in
reasonable condition to future generations.
The idea behind not reducing the ability of
future generations to meet their needs is that,
although future generations might gain from
economic progress, those gains might be more than
offset by environmental deterioration. Most people
would acknowledge a moral obligation to future
generations, particularly as people who are not yet
born can have no say in decisions taken today that
may affect them.
There are two different ways of looking at the
need to ensure that future generations can supply
their needs. One is to view the environment in
terms of the natural resources or natural capital
that is available for wealth creation, and to say
that future generations should have the same
ability to create wealth as we have. Therefore,
future generations will be adequately compensated
for any loss of environmental amenity by having
alternative sources of wealth creation. This is
referred to as 'weak sustainability'.
The government's ESD working groups have argued
that, unless substantial change occurs, the present
generation may not be able to pass on an equivalent
stock of environmental goods to the next
generation. This would be due to three factors:
Firstly, the rates of loss of animal
and plant species, arable land, water quality,
tropical forests and cultural heritage are
especially serious. Secondly, and perhaps more
widely recognised, is the fact that we will not
pass on to future generations the ozone layer or
global climate system that the current
generation inherited. A third factor that
contributes overwhelmingly to the anxieties
about the first two is the prospective impact of
continuing population growth and the
environmental consequences if rising standards
of material income around the world produce the
same sorts of consumption patterns that are
characteristic of the currently industrialised
countries. (ESD Working Group Chairs 1992, p.
The other way is to view the environment as
offering more than just economic potential that
cannot be replaced by man-made wealth and to argue
that future generations should not inherit a
degraded environment, no matter how many extra
sources of wealth are available to them. This is
referred to as 'strong sustainability'.
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Source: Sharon Beder, The Nature of Sustainable
Development, 2nd edition, Scribe, Newham,