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Conservative Response
pro-economic growth:
- can have growth without reaching limits
- growth necessary for:
- raising living standards,
- for alleviating poverty
- for technological development
- growth possible through expanded use of available resources
- economic growth leads to lower birth rates in developing countries
- growth provides money for technologies to:
- improve pollution control,
- reduce waste,
- improve efficiency of resource management
- regulating mechanisms
- changes in cultural values
- price system (deliberate or automatic)
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Liberal Response
- critical of limits to growth arguments
- skeptical of urgency
- argue that limits to growth analys is too technical and apolitical
- no growth policies reflect the self-interests of environmentalists,
computer simulation experts, environmental scientists
- adverse consequences for the poor by deflecting attention
from other problems
- no-growth policies will hurt the poor most
- limits to growth arguments used to legitimate reduced wages
and living standards
- limits to growth advocates ignore role of power and influence
in resource allocation
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Radical Response
argue real problem is growth under capitalism:
- social and political limits to growth more important than
biophysical limits to growth argument serves multinationals
by covering economic and political limits to their growth
- by providing an argument for a global political apparatus
to stabilize the world economy and ensure raw materials and
markets were provided by 3rd world
- by helping them to stabilize wages, consumption and living
- need for alternate forms of economic organisation that would
allow for growth in poor countries
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© 2001 Sharon
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