Science and Uncertainty


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Limitations on Science

Bullet pointRachels - Science & Environment
"in April, 1993, SCIENCE published a short, meaty article about how science fails to help solve environmental problems, and in fact often contributes to making those problems worse."

Bullet pointPrecautionary Principle
"Current environmental decision-making processes suffer from several constraints, which limit our ability to identify, anticipate, and prevent potential harm to human health and the environment."

Bullet pointEnvironmental Science Under Siege
"During the 104th Congress, the Committee on Science launched a major initiative directed at the basic integrity of the science community. Three major hearings, entitled "Scientific Integrity and the Public Trust," were convened by the Energy and Environment Subcommittee to showcase allegations that science had been distorted to promote an environmentalist agenda. The hearings focused on alleged abuses in the science on stratospheric ozone depletion, global climate change, and the health risks posed by dioxin." This is a report from one member of the committee.

