Forest Principles
Forest Principles 1992
Non-legally binding authoritative statement of principles
for a global consensus on the management, conservation and
sustainable development of all types of forests
- The subject of forests is related to the
entire range of environmental and development issues and
opportunities, including the right to socio-economic
development on a sustainable basis.
- The guiding objective of these principles is to
contribute to the management, conservation and
sustainable development of forests and to provide for
their multiple and complementary functions and uses.
- Forestry issues and opportunities should be examined
in a holistic and balanced manner within the overall
context of environment and development, taking into
consideration the multiple functions and uses of forests,
including traditional uses, and the likely economic and
social stress when these uses are constrained or
restricted, as well as the potential for development that
sustainable forest management can offer.
- These principles reflect a first global consensus on
forests. In committing themselves to the prompt
implementation of these principles, countries also decide
to keep them under assessment for their adequacy with
regard to further international cooperation on forest
- These principles should apply to all types of
forests, both natural and planted, in all geographic
regions and climatic zones, including austral, boreal,
subtemperate, temperate, subtropical and tropical.
- All types of forests embody complex and unique
ecological processes which are the basis for their
present and potential capacity to provide resources to
satisfy human needs as well as environmental values, and
as such their sound management and conservation is of
concern to the Governments of the countries to which they
belong and are of value to local communities and to the
environment as a whole.
- Forests are essential to economic development and the
maintenance of all forms of life.
- Recognizing that the responsibility for forest
management, conservation and sustainable development is
in many States allocated among federal/national,
state/provincial and local levels of government, each
State, in accordance with its constitution and/or
national legislation, should pursue these principles at
the appropriate level of government.
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- "States have, in accordance with the
Charter of the United Nations and the principles of
international law, the sovereign right to exploit
their own resources pursuant to their own
environmental policies and have the responsibility to
ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or
control do not cause damage to the environment of
other States or of areas beyond the limits of national
- The agreed full incremental cost of achieving
benefits associated with forest conservation and
sustainable development requires increased
international cooperation and should be equitably
shared by the international community.
- States have the sovereign and inalienable
right to utilize, manage and develop their forests in
accordance with their development needs and level of
socio-economic development and on the basis of
national policies consistent with sustainable
development and legislation, including the conversion
of such areas for other uses within the overall
socio-economic development plan and based on rational
land-use policies.
- Forest resources and forest lands should be
sustainably managed to meet the social, economic,
ecological, cultural and spiritual human needs of
present and future generations. These needs are for
forest products and services, such as wood and wood
products, water, food, fodder, medicine, fuel,
shelter, employment, recreation, habitats for
wildlife, landscape diversity, carbon sinks and
reservoirs, and for other forest products. Appropriate
measures should be taken to protect forests against
harmful effects of pollution, including air-borne
pollution, fires, pests and diseases in order to
maintain their full multiple value.
- The provision of timely, reliable and accurate
information on forests and forest ecosystems is
essential for public understanding and informed
decision-making and should be ensured.
- Governments should promote and provide
opportunities for the participation of interested
parties, including local communities and indigenous
people, industries, labour, non-governmental
organizations and individuals, forest dwellers and
women, in the development, implementation and planning
of national forest policies.
- National policies and strategies should
provide a framework for increased efforts, including
the development and strengthening of institutions and
programmes for the management, conservation and
sustainable development of forests and forest
- International institutional arrangements, building
on those organizations and mechanisms already in
existence, as appropriate, should facilitate
international cooperation in the field of
- All aspects of environmental protection and social
and economic development as they relate to forests and
forest lands should be integrated and
- The vital role of all types of forests in maintaining
the ecological processes and balance at the local,
national, regional and global levels through, inter alia,
their role in protecting fragile ecosystems, watersheds
and freshwater resources and as rich storehouses of
biodiversity and biological resources and sources of
genetic material for biotechnology products, as well as
photosynthesis, should be recognized.
- National forest policies should recognize
and duly support the identity, culture and the rights
of indigenous people, their communities and other
communities and forest dwellers. Appropriate
conditions should be promoted for these groups to
enable them to have an economic stake in forest use,
perform economic activities, and achieve and maintain
cultural identity and social organization, as well as
adequate levels of livelihood and well-being, through,
inter alia, those land tenure arrangements which serve
as incentives for the sustainable management of
- The full participation of women in all aspects of
the management, conservation and sustainable
development of forests should be actively
- All types of forests play an important
role in meeting energy requirements through the
provision of a renewable source of bio-energy,
particularly in developing countries, and the demands
for fuelwood for household and industrial needs should
be met through sustainable forest management,
afforestation and reforestation. To this end, the
potential contribution of plantations of both
indigenous and introduced species for the provision of
both fuel and industrial wood should be
- National policies and programmes should take into
account the relationship, where it exists, between the
conservation, management and sustainable development
of forests and all aspects related to the production,
consumption, recycling and/or final disposal of forest
- Decisions taken on the management, conservation
and sustainable development of forest resources should
benefit, to the extent practicable, from a
comprehensive assessment of economic and non-economic
values of forest goods and services and of the
environmental costs and benefits. The development and
improvement of methodologies for such evaluations
should be promoted.
- The role of planted forests and permanent
agricultural crops as sustainable and environmentally
sound sources of renewable energy and industrial raw
material should be recognized, enhanced and promoted.
Their contribution to the maintenance of ecological
processes, to offsetting pressure on primary/
old-growth forest and to providing regional employment
and development with the adequate involvement of local
inhabitants should be recognized and enhanced.
- Natural forests also constitute a source of goods
and services, and their conservation, sustainable
management and use should be promoted.
- Efforts should be made to promote a
supportive international economic climate conducive to
sustained and environmentally sound development of
forests in all countries, which include, inter alia,
the promotion of sustainable patterns of production
and consumption, the eradication of poverty and the
promotion of food security.
- Specific financial resources should be provided to
developing countries with significant forest areas
which establish programmes for the conservation of
forests including protected natural forest areas.
These resources should be directed notably to economic
sectors which would stimulate economic and social
substitution activities.
- Efforts should be undertaken towards the
greening of the world. All countries, notably
developed countries, should take positive and
transparent action towards reforestation,
afforestation and forest conservation, as
- Efforts to maintain and increase forest cover and
forest productivity should be undertaken in
ecologically, economically and socially sound ways
through the rehabilitation, reforestation and
re-establishment of trees and forests on unproductive,
degraded and deforested lands, as well as through the
management of existing forest resources.
- The implementation of national policies and
programmes aimed at forest management, conservation
and sustainable development, particularly in
developing countries, should be supported by
international financial and technical cooperation,
including through the private sector, where
- Sustainable forest management and use should be
carried out in accordance with national development
policies and priorities and on the basis of
environmentally sound national guidelines. In the
formulation of such guidelines, account should be
taken, as appropriate and if applicable, of relevant
internationally agreed methodologies and
- Forest management should be integrated with
management of adjacent areas so as to maintain
ecological balance and sustainable productivity.
- National policies and/or legislation aimed
atmanagement, conservation and sustainable development
of forests should include the protection of
ecologically viable representative or unique examples
of forests, including primary/old-growth forests,
cultural, spiritual, historical, religious and other
unique and valued forests of national importance.
- Access to biological resources, including genetic
material, shall be with due regard to the sovereign
rights of the countries where the forests are located
and to the sharing on mutually agreed terms of
technology and profits from biotechnology products
that are derived from these resources.
- National policies should ensure that environmental
impact assessments should be carried out where actions
are likely to have significant adverse impacts on
important forest resources, and where such actions are
subject to a decision of a competent national
- The efforts of developing countries to
strengthen the management, conservation and
sustainable development of their forest resources
should be supported by the international community,
taking into account the importance of redressing
external indebtedness, particularly where aggravated
by the net transfer of resources to developed
countries, as well as the problem of achieving at
least the replacement value of forests through
improved market access for forest products, especially
processed products. In this respect, special attention
should also be given to the countries undergoing the
process of transition to market economies.
- The problems that hinder efforts to attain the
conservation and sustainable use of forest resources
and that stem from the lack of alternative options
available to local communities, in particular the
urban poor and poor rural populations who are
economically and socially dependent on forests and
forest resources, should be addressed by Governments
and the international community.
- National policy formulation with respect to
- types of forests should take account of the
pressures and demands imposed on forest ecosystems and
resources from influencing factors outside the forest
sector, and intersectoral means of dealing with these
pressures and demands should be sought.
- New and additional financial resources should be
provided to developing countries to enable them to
sustainably manage, conserve and develop their forest
resources, including through afforestation, reforestation
and combating deforestation and forest and
- In order to enable, in particular, developing
countries to enhance their endogenous capacity and to
better manage, conserve and develop their forest
resources, the access to and transfer of environmentally
sound technologies and corresponding know-how on
favourable terms, including on concessional and
preferential terms, as mutually agreed, in accordance
with the relevant provisions of Agenda 21, should be
promoted, facilitated and financed, as appropriate.
- Scientific research, forest inventories
and assessments carried out by national institutions
which take into account, where relevant, biological,
physical, social and economic variables, as well as
technological development and its application in the
field of sustainable forest management, conservation
and development, should be strengthened through
effective modalities, including international
cooperation. In this context, attention should also be
given to research and development of sustainably
harvested non-wood products.
- National and, where appropriate, regional and
international institutional capabilities in education,
training, science, technology, economics, anthropology
and social aspects of forests and forest management
are essential to the conservation and sustainable
development of forests and should be
- International exchange of information on the
results of forest and forest management research and
development should be enhanced and broadened, as
appropriate, making full use of education and training
institutions, including those in the private
- Appropriate indigenous capacity and local
knowledge regarding the conservation and sustainable
development of forests should, through institutional
and financial support, and in collaboration with the
people in local communities concerned, be recognized,
respected, recorded, developed and, as appropriate,
introduced in the implementation of programmes.
Benefits arising from the utilization of indigenous
knowledge should therefore be equitably shared with
such people.
- Trade in forest products should be based
on non-discriminatory and multilaterally agreed rules
and procedures consistent with international trade law
and practices. In this context, open and free
international trade in forest products should be
- Reduction or removal of tariff barriers and
impediments to the provision of better market access
and better prices for higher value-added forest
products and their local processing should be
encouraged to enable producer countries to better
conserve and manage their renewable forest
- Incorporation of environmental costs and benefits
into market forces and mechanisms, in order to achieve
forest conservation and sustainable development,
should be encouraged both domestically and
- Forest conservation and sustainable development
policies should be integrated with economic, trade and
other relevant policies.
- Fiscal, trade, industrial, transportation andother
policies and practices that may lead to forest
degradation should be avoided. Adequate policies,
aimed at management, conservation and sustainable
development of forests, including where appropriate,
incentives, should be encouraged.
- Unilateral measures, incompatible with international
obligations or agreements, to restrict and/or ban
international trade in timber or other forest products
should be removed or avoided, in order to attain
long-term sustainable forest management.
- Pollutants, particularly air-borne pollutants,
including those responsible for acidic deposition, that
are harmful to the health of forest ecosystems at the
local, national, regional and global levels should be