As the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD)
approaches, conflicts intensify between North and South,
civil society and industry. Northern governments continue
to stubbornly defend corporate-led globalisation, including
market liberalisation and privatisation of public services,
as part of 'sustainable development'. Calls from civil
society for binding regulations on corporate behaviour
are being ignored, instead business is given a central
role as provider of 'Type II' outcomes for the summit.
Corporate lobby groups have already submitted over 50
projects for UN approval, many of which depict environmentally
destructive industries as contributors to sustainable
development. At the final preparatory conference before
the Johannesburg summit, the NGO mining caucus decided
to boycott the summit in protest against the corporate
bias in the WSSD process and against greenwash projects
receiving the UN's seal of approval.
PrepCom IV, the final preparatory meeting before the
World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), ended
without consensus. At the 'Rio+10' summit in late August,
governments are supposed to strike a deal on future global
policies for 'sustainable development', the catch-all
phrase used by all parties to describe their responses,
however inadequate, to the accelerating global social
and ecological crisis. The conference on the Indonesian
island of Bali (May 27th to June 7th) revealed deep conflicts
and underlined how much is at stake at Rio+10. As one
meeting participant put it, "Overall what is happening
in the WSSD process is centered around the question of
which regime - the UN or trade and financial interests
- shapes present and future global governance for whom."1
Battling over aid and trade
The negotiation text coming out of the Bali summit is
so weak that many NGOs are doubting whether they should
remain committed to the WSSD process. At the same time,
the so-called "Chairman's Text" is full of bracketed sections
with potentially far-reaching consequences. The fiercest
conflicts are over trade and finance issues,2 reflecting
the deep contradictions between neoliberal globalisation
policies on the one hand and environmental and social
goals on the other. Northern governments in the US-led
JUSCANZ group (including Japan, Canada, Australia and
New Zealand) squarely rejected the demands of the Southern
G-77 governments to spell out the myriad problems caused
by the current global economic model. With the EU, these
Northern governments instead pushed for positive references
to the new round of trade talks in the World Trade Organisation
(WTO), including the controversial proposal for negotiations
on investment, government procurement and other issues
currently beyond the WTO's reach. The Northern bloc's
recipe for 'sustainable development' also included rejecting
new funding for Southern countries. At the original 1992
Earth Summit in Rio de Janerio, the rich countries pledged
to contribute 0.7% of their GDP as development aid for
poorer countries, a commitment that has been conveniently
forgotten by the vast majority of Northern governments.
In Bali, the US government took the lead in refusing development
aid a place in the Plan of Implementation. Instead they
argued for bilateral agreements in which aid is made conditional
to political and economic reform in the recipient countries.
"We are going to create a competition in the developing
world for those dollars", US representative James Connaughton
explained.3 The proposed conditionality is comparable
to the structural adjustment programs imposed by the International
Monetary Fund in recent decades, with devastating social
and ecological effects.
Another North-South clash occurred when Northern negotiators
questioned the validity of one of the most important principles
adopted at the Rio summit: the principle of common but
differentiated responsibilities. The governments of industrialised
countries want to escape their historical responsibility
to take action first and to provide funding. The negotiating
text is littered with references to the implementation
of the WTO's controversial TRIPs agreement on intellectual
property rights. The US government wants to consolidate
the status of the TRIPs agreement to overrule competing
UN agreements on biodiversity, which give Southern governments
countries the right to ensure public access to medicines
and to get a share of the benefits from biodiversity.
The ideological battle over trade and finance issues
that was so prominent at the Bali summit has far-reaching
implications. At its core is the question whether the
process of corporate globalisation, including WTO-style
trade and investment liberalisation, can simply continue
or whether it is fundamentally at odds with 'sustainable
development'. The future of the UN also hangs in the balance
- will it entirely bow to the neoliberal world view dominant
in other global institutions? The outcomes of this North-South
struggle will be decisive for debates in numerous other
fora, including the run-up to the next WTO ministerial
meeting, in September 2003 in Cancun, Mexico.
Public-private panacea?
In UN jargon, the outcomes of the Summit are categorised
as 'Type I' and 'Type II'. 'Type I' outcomes are the traditional
intergovernmental agreements negotiated between UN member
states. For Johannesburg, governments do not aim to renegotiate
the Rio agreements. Talks instead concentrate on a Plan
of Implementation/Action (the aforementioned Chairman's
Text) - intended to develop national and global policies
and programs - and a Political Declaration, in which governments
are expected to recommit to Agenda 21 and the pursuit
of 'sustainable development'. Type II outcomes are a new
and controversial category: partnership projects aiming
to implement 'sustainable development', undertaken jointly
by different players, such as governments, civil society
or business.4 At Bali, both Type I and II outcomes were
heavily disputed.
Concerning Type I outcomes, Bali revealed a serious lack
of political will among the governments to agree on targets
and timetables to address pressing environmental and social
problems, such as access to water and energy, sustainable
fishing, climate change or loss of biodiversity. Along
with the unwillingness to commit to new funding, there
is little chance of effective policies to bring about
much needed change. No less worrying is the neoliberal
bias in the negotiating text, which opens the door for
accelerated privatisation of basic services. The text
calls for action in five areas where poverty and environmental
degradation are most acute: water, energy, health, agriculture
and biodiversity. However, the focus is strongly on 'efficiency'
and participation of the private sector in the delivery
of those essential services, through private-public partnerships.
The underlying message: governments are to outsource the
delivery of water, energy and health to private corporations.
Leaving the basic needs of billions of poor to the market
forces is a dangerous game. In contrast to the public
sector, corporations are profit-driven, and this is equally
true when they operate in water supply or other key services.
Experience shows that private sector delivery quickly
results in price rises, often to the extent that low-income
people lose access to these essential services.5 However,
the current bias of the Chairman's Text towards market-based
delivery in the five priority areas fits hand in glove
with corporate campaigns in the run-up to Rio+10.
Type II travesty
Corporate lobby groups like Business Action for Sustainable
Development (BASD) responded with enthusiasm when the
UN announced that public-private partnerships between
industry, NGOs and governments will be included as official
"Type II" outcomes of the Johannesburg summit. The BASD
website already lists 54 corporate projects submitted
for consideration as Type II outcomes in Johannesburg.6
The Bali Prep-com, however, showed that NGOs are sceptical
or outright opposed to the concept. Large parts of global
civil society reject the idea of outsourcing 'sustainable
development' to the corporate world.
The UN bureaucrats in charge of the preparatory process
of Rio+10 tried to pour oil on troubled waters, claiming
that the new focus on Type II outcomes would by no means
substitute government action, only complement it by helping
to 'implement sustainable development'. But outspoken
opposition from civil society did not make Northern governments
think twice about the wisdom of their policies. Instead,
the very vocal US and EU negotiators dominated in their
promotion of partnership projects as the preferred outcome
of the WSSD, particularly in the areas of water, energy,
health, agriculture and biodiversity. This approach was
supported by the industry lobbyists present in Bali, such
as those from the BASD, a joint campaign by the World
Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) and
the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).
Rio Tinto's Lord Holme of Cheltenham, for instance, is
the BASD's vice-chair and a veteran of both the ICC and
the WBCSD. He joined the BASD's key representative in
South Africa, Reuel Khoza, to argue for a combination
of corporate partnership projects and improved governance
in the South as the recipe for 'sustainable development'.
Khoza, chairman of South African electricity company Eskom,
referred to the UN's Global Compact with corporations
and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI - a set of guidelines
for reporting on the social, environmental and human rights
performance) as guarantees of transparency in Type II
projects.7 He announced that some of the partnership projects
submitted by the BASD would also aim to implement the
New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD). NEPAD,
the 'development path' crafted by the South African and
other African governments, is widely opposed by African
civil society. The neoliberal NEPAD promotes the privatisation
of water, electricity, transport and telecommunication
services, as well as continued debt repayments and the
further liberalisation of markets and international investment
flows. BASD chairman Mark Moody-Stuart waxed lyrical on
how industry is developing partnerships in sectors like
water, energy, health, agriculture and biodiversity, and
praised industry's work towards sustainable production
and consumption in every sector. The former CEO of Shell
also presented a new initiative for boosting corporate
investments in the world's poorest countries that is being
developed under the umbrella of the Global Compact - a
voluntary partnership between the UN, the corporate sector
and some NGOs around a set of social, human rights and
environmental principles.8 The Global Compact is criticised
by large sections of civil society because it lacks monitoring
and enforcement, which makes it a virtual UN seal of approval
for big business. Moody-Stuart admitted that working in
partnership with NGOs lends credibility to corporate initiatives,
"If business did this on its own, there would be doubtless
be suspicion that this was business seeking low labour
costs or areas with low or unregulated standards."9
Corporate complaints
"The WBCSD is in a strong position to benefit from the
WSSD process", reads a WBCSD memo evaluating the Bali
Prep-Com, which also mentions that the business group
is "getting many proposals for cooperation and partnerships."10
WBCSD boss Bjorn Stigson is however not entirely satisfied.
In the memo, Stigson complains about the process being
handled by the normal UN bureaucracy, while Rio 92 "had
a dedicated secretariat focused only on that conference
and its outcome, led by Maurice Strong."11 Stigson led
the WBCSD's successful campaign towards the Rio summit
in 1992.
While the European employers federation UNICE complains
that it is "not being listened to" in the preparations
for the Johannesburg summit,12 the political trends in
the WSSD process fit hand in glove with the corporate
agenda. A columnist in Tomorrow, a glossy magazine linked
to the WBCSD, predicts that, "You can be sure that business
ISN'T going to be ignored in Johannesburg".13 "UN Secretary-General
Kofi Annan has invested too much personal capital in his
Global Compact to allow the little matter of the WSSD
to jeopardise relations between the UN organisation and
its friends in the business community", the columnist
Business still seems nervous, due in part to widespread
criticism of Type II projects being endorsed as summit
outcomes. More importantly, however, they fear the growing
consensus in civil society on the need for binding international
rules for TNCs. In an executive update to the members
of the WBCSD, the groups president Bjorn Stigson complained
about the scepticism with which the NGO community met
Type II partnership projects at Bali. In his memo, Stigson
also describes how outspoken NGOs demanded corporate accountability
and monitoring. "It might be worth noting", Stigson writes,
"that the normally more responsible NGOs like WWF were
not much present in Bali and left the multistakeholders
dialogue to more radical groups." "We have voiced our
concern to WWF about that,"14 Stigson elaborates, giving
a revealing insight to the apparently cosy relations between
the WBCSD and one of the major environmental NGOs.
Bad news for corporate accountability
Industry was the only one of the UN's so-called major
groups (categories of 'stakeholders', also including NGOs,
youth, farmers, indigenous people, scientists and women)
opposed to the launch of negotiations on a UN convention
on corporate accountability15. Unfortunately, business
has strong allies among the governments. Japan, the EU
and the US oppose the idea, claiming that the OECD's voluntary
guidelines on multinational corporations is sufficient
to guarantee corporate accountability. The support from
the G77 group of countries, including China, for a legally
binding framework for transnational companies is therefore
likely to be in vain. The negotiating text calls for the
"promotion of corporate accountability and responsibility
and the exchanges of best practices", referring to voluntary
schemes such as the Global Reporting Initiative, the Global
Compact or the OECD guidelines.16
Predictably, the BASD's Lord Holme praised the text's
voluntary focus.17 Encouraged by the political winds in
the Rio+10 preparations, business stubbornly continues
its irresponsible campaign for industry self-regulation
and voluntary action as alternatives to effective and
binding regulation of corporate behaviour. Underlining
the unfortunate hollowness of their commitment to 'sustainable
development', corporate groupings also work hard to maintain
the limited scope of voluntary initiatives. Within the
WBCSD for instance, there is "strong concern about the
very expanded reporting requirements in Global Reporting
Initiative's new draft guidelines."18 The Global Reporting
Initiative has been one of the favourite 'alternatives'
promoted in corporate campaigns against binding regulation.
WBCSD: neoliberal environmentalism?
In terms of engaging in and shaping the global debate
on environment and development, the WBCSD is the most
experienced corporate lobby group. It was created to provide
business input into the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro,
and contributed to blocking attempts to regulate business.
The group promoted the (then new) concept of TNCs being
allies in the pursuit of 'sustainable development'.19
The WBCSD is a coalition of 150 large corporations, currently
chaired by Shell's Phil Watts20. The group assists its
member corporations, many of which have a troubled social
and environmental record, with adapting their operations
as well as their image. It is not easy to assess the degree
to which the WBCSD's activities are perception management
(greenwash) or a genuine pursuit of change based on the
ideology of corporate environmentalism. There is no doubt
that many in the WBCSD's staff genuinely believe that
enlightened businesses taking voluntary action, including
faster introduction of new technology, can bring about
'sustainable development'. While striving for positive
change within corporations is obviously a good thing,
the WBCSD's political influence is an entirely different
matter. The WBCSD's neoliberal political programme is
deeply flawed and the groups lobbying power therefore
a serious obstacle to the formation of ecologically sustainable
and socially just policies.
The WBCSD's analysis of global environmental and social
problems is less superficial than most other corporate
lobby groups, such as the ICC. Where the ICC presents
an unrealistic and rosy image of trade and investment
liberalisation, the WBCSD admits there are (side-)effects
to be dealt with. In the WBCSD's vision corporations should
equally pursue economic, environmental and social goals.
In reality, the prioritisation of these different goals
is far from balanced in the WBCSD's brand of corporate
environmentalism. Despite the often well developed analysis,
the WBCSD's agenda for change comes very close to the
short-sighted vision of most other corporate lobby groups.
The business council does not even start to question the
fundamentals of economic globalisation. It mechanically
advocates market-based mechanisms and technological fixes
as solutions to the world's problems. An example is the
"eco-efficiency" concept developed and promoted by the
According to WBCSD Director Claude Fussler, eco-efficiency
aims to separate quality of life and economic growth from
their intense use of natural resources.21 The problem
is not only that the WBCSD includes such dangerous technologies
as nuclear and biotechnology in its future scenarios.
The WBCSD's faith in techno-fixes is so strong that it
believes the over-consuming models of society and lifestyles
of the North can be expanded to the rest of the planet,
while common sense tells us that this will lead to ecological
UNEP assessments
The limits of the WBCSD's approach is occasionally recognised
by the UN institutions that have embraced corporate environmentalism
championed by business groupings. In the process towards
Johannesburg, the UN Environmental Program (UNEP), probably
the UN body which works most closely with industry, has
published a series of reports on 22 industry sectors.
The report '10 years after Rio: The UNEP assessment' attempts
to evaluate the progress that industry has made in terms
of 'sustainable development', and concludes that "improvements
are overtaken by economic growth and increasing demand
of goods and services."22 The UNEP report supports industry
self-regulation and voluntary action, but admits that
"most voluntary initiatives are still characterised by
problems of effective implementation, monitoring, transparency,
and free riders." UNEP goes on to conclude that "few voluntary
initiatives are directly linked with government policy
and regulatory frameworks in a way that would complement
the strengths and weaknesses of both." The sector reports
- ranging from aluminium, over oil and gas, food, chemicals
and transport to water - are written by various business
A particularly flawed assessment is the one put together
by the advertising industry, which claims to be a 'fundamental
ally of sustainability'.23 The report rejects the idea
that the sector encourages excessive consumption and claims
that it only reflects prevailing social values for which
they bear no responsibility. In a remarkable spin exercise,
the reports argues that the advertising sector contributes
to global sustainable development by enabling the diffusion
of better products developed through innovation, thereby
"helping to improve the quality of life". The spin doctors
behind the report do admit that, "below a certain level
of income advertising has no real role to play."24
WBCSD steps up Rio+10 campaign
All the WBCSD's 'advocacy and awareness' campaigns now
focus on influencing the WSSD. "This way we can help to
shape the framework conditions and influence the direction
of the sustainable development debate," the group's website
explains.25 A core team of 14 members has masterminded
the WBCSD's strategy and work plan. Among the visible
elements of the campaign are a series of ideological reports
published during the past year and a half, centered around
the idea that 'free markets' are a pre-condition for 'sustainable
development'. The same message is promoted in the WBCSD's
media outreach campaign, centred around regular sponsored
sections in the International Herald Tribune. In Johannesburg,
the WBCSD will launch a book full of case studies of environmental
and social initiatives by WBCSD corporations, cleverly
titled 'Walking the Talk'.
In Johannesburg, the WBCSD also plans to promote its
six sectoral projects, all of which it has submitted to
become Type II outcomes from the summit. The projects,
covering forestry, mining and metals, transport, cement,
electricity utilities and the financial sector, are coordinated
by WBCSD member corporations. They look at sustainability
performance and the challenges ahead for the sector as
a whole. The WBCSD claims that the ultimate purpose is
to change industry practices and policies to make them
more sustainable. The WBCSD has made extensive use of
multistakeholder dialogues in these projects. According
to WBCSD boss Bjorn Stigson, "this is essential because
stakeholder acceptance is fundamental to industry maintaining
its 'license to operate' and achieving a stable environment
for long-term investment."26 At the Bali Prep-com, the
WBCSD presented a new brochure, 'Sector projects', outlining
the progress to date in all the projects. According to
Summit Focus (the WBCSD newsletter on the WSSD) one of
the goals of the brochure is to "qualify the projects
for submission as UN 'Type II' outcomes."27
All six projects are run by working groups made up of
WBCSD corporations. Initially, research is commissioned
from an independent body, the results of which are later
published as a report. An assurance group of 'experts'
is supposed to guarantee the neutrality and validity of
the findings. While the WBCSD emphasises the transparency
and objectivity of the projects, there are real problems
in the limits of what is discussed and even more so in
the conclusions. All six projects aim to publish their
reports in time for Johannesburg. The three projects nearest
completion - on mobility, forestry and mining - are also
the ones that have created most controversy.
Sustainable mobility?
The WBCSD's 'Sustainable Mobility' project, focusing
on the transport sector, released its first report in
March 2001.28 The working group is run by major automobile
and energy corporations, including BP, DaimlerChrysler,
General Motors, Michelin, Norsk Hydro, Renault, Shell
and Toyota. The project claims to develop a long-term
vision of future mobility, but fails to tackle the inherent
unsustainability of continued growth in global transport
A characteristic feature of WBCSD projects is their attitude
to civil society groups with a moderate critique. This
kind of 'constructive criticism' is often included in
project reports or on websites. The 'Sustainable Mobility'
website, for instance, features an article describing
some NGO critique to the project's report, while highlighting
that the critics "acknowledged the report was not unduly
biased towards the interests of the auto and oil industries."29
This approach contributes to an open, transparent and
consensus-seeking image. Meanwhile, those with a more
fundamental critique are not offered any such space. The
'Sustainable Mobility' website for instance is silent
about Prague-based campaign group Carbusters, which has
strongly criticized the project's corporate vision. Carbusters
slammed the project for merely promoting technological
fixes and the privatisation of public transport systems,
while refusing to consider the option of reduced mobility.
After attending one of the project's stakeholder dialogues,
Carbusters concluded that "It all boils down to another
advertising campaign for their wonderful 'green' cars."30
The 'Sustainable Mobility' website provides information
about the stakeholder dialogue held in Prague, but is
silent about the protest action held outside the event.31
On seeing the activists, the project director's first
reaction was to ask: "Do any journalists know about this?"32
Sustainable forestry?
The 'Sustainable Forestry Industry' project of the WBCSD
started in 1994, when a group of companies led by Brazilian
Aracruz Celulose and Finnish UPM-Kymmene initiated a study
focusing on paper production. The study was commissioned
from an external body (the International Institute for
Environment and Development or IIED) and involved consultation
with various stakeholders. The report 'Towards a Sustainable
Paper Cycle' was published in June 1996.33 The next step
was the creation of the 'Forest Dialogue', which included
land owners, the forest industry, some NGOs and the World
Bank.34 The goal of the dialogue, co-chaired by the WBCSD
and the World Resources Institute (WRI), was to develop
a consensus vision on the world forests and a range of
concrete issues, such as mutual recognition of certification
schemes for forestry industry practices.35
WBCSD veteran Stephan Schmidheiny, a major force behind
the WBCSD's influential campaign around the 1992 Earth
Summit, has a great personal stake in the 'Sustainable
Forestry' project. Schmidheiny, whose fortune comes from
his Swatch watches and from his investments in the asbestos
industry, has since 1982 invested heavily in Chilean forests.
He owns 85% of Terranova, a Chile-based company with plantation
forestry operations (mainly pines) in Chile, Brazil and
Venezuela. Another Schmidheiny-owned company has teak
plantations in Panama and Guatemala.36 Almost all of his
forests are recent plantations, for which he has applied
to get Forestry Stewardship Council accreditation. 'Sustainable
Forestry' project just happens to be working on the sensitive
issue of forest certification. Referring to the work of
the Forest Dialogue, Schmidheiny commented that 'the challenge
is reforming the poor performers in industry, and in keeping
fringe NGOs from counterproductive actions.'37
Certification is a controversial issue in the international
debate about sustainable forests. The Forest Stewardship
Council (FSC) is the only certification scheme respected
by most forest campaign groups. Other certification schemes,
the World Rainforest Movement (WRM) concludes, are "merely
aimed at 'greenwashing' logging activities".38 While more
reliable than other schemes, WRM states, "the need perceived
by the FSC to supply the world market with as much certified
wood as possible" is at odds with sustainability.39 The
FSC has increasingly awarded certification to wood coming
from large-scale monocrop tree plantations, which is far
from sustainable forestry. Tree plantations, WRM points
out, often cause deforestation and degradation of other
ecosystems. These pseudo-forests moreover frequently have
abominable impacts on local communities, who lose land
and livelihood to give space to corporations producing
wood for the global markets.
The credibility of the self-proclaimed quest for sustainable
forestry is seriously undermined by the shameful record
of the two corporations that initiated the project. UPM-Kymmene
is heavily criticised by forest campaign groups for its
damaging activities in Indonesia, misconduct that continued
after the launch of the 'Sustainable Forestry Industry'
project. In 1997, the Finnish wood products giant got
a paper plant in Changsu, China, which processes pulp
from PT Riau Anadalan Pulp and Paper (RAPP), the second
largest pulp producer of Indonesia.40 RAPP's mill in Riau,
Sumatra, was expanded with a $750 million investment package
supported by the Finnish and Swedish export credit agencies.
The Riau mill produces 750.000 tones of pulp each year
by logging the natural rainforest, substituting over 50
species of tropical hardwood for acacia plantations. Local
communities have suffered severe impacts, the river essential
for their livelihood has been polluted, they have been
evicted from their lands with no compensation and have
faced physical violence when protesting. UPM-Kymmene pulled
out of RAPP, but still uses RAPP's pulp for its paper
production in China.41
The other founder of the WBCSD forestry project, Aracruz
Celulose, specialises in bleached eucalyptus pulp. The
company is particularly infamous for its destructive social
and environmental impact in the Brazilian states of Bahia
and Espirito Santo. Aracruz has flooded the regions with
extensive monoculture plantations and uprooted indigenous
peoples such as the Guarani and the Tupinikim from their
lands. It has turned the Mata Atlantica rainforest into
a green eucalyptus desert. Aracruz' application for FSC
certification has intensified environmental campaigning
against the company, which has recently joined hands with
Finnish-Swedish forest giant Stora Enso.42
Sustainable mining?
The Global Mining Initiative (GMI) was established in
1999 by nine major mining companies.43 The initiative
was later joined by around 20 other corporations, as well
as by the World Bank, UNEP, IUCN and some universities.
Under the wings of the WBCSD, the GMI initiated the 'Mining,
Mineral and Sustainable Development' project (MMSD), and
commissioned the IIED to carry out what was presented
as a major consultative effort. The result was the report
'Breaking New Ground: Mining, Minerals and Sustainable
Development', which was released on May 1st. The report
seems less corporate-biased than expected and it acknowledges
a lot of the problems caused by the mining industry, including
environmental destruction and negative impacts on local
communities. The proposed agenda for change, however,
hardly goes beyond recommending the mining companies to
develop a sustainable development policy and for the industry
as a whole to draft a declaration and a code of conduct.
The inadequate conclusions reflect the fact that the project
did not address fundamental questions such as whether
mining, and particularly mining for uranium or fossil
fuels, is in fact inherently unsustainable.
After a final Global Conference held in Toronto in May
2002, the activities of the GMI will be continued by the
International Council on Metals and Mining (ICMM), "the
new global leadership body for the industry".44 Meanwhile,
the GMI has been submitted to the UN secretariat as a
Type II outcome of the Johannesburg summit.45 While ICMM
plans to use the GMI in Johannesburg, there are also ambitious
follow-up plans underway.46
A less public goal is to improve the reputation of the
mining industry. RJ McNeilly, President of BHP Minerals,
made no secret of this when addressing an industry audience.
He explained how mining companies in the future will be
judged on sustainability impacts, which will in effect
determine their license to operate. 'I am sure we all
agree that industry cannot afford to ignore negative perceptions,"
McNeilly stated. 47 While many in the industry are preoccupied
with image, some in the WBCSD seem genuinely committed
to change. Richard Sandbrook, the WBCSD's MMSD coordinator,
defined the project as "a honest appraisal of where the
companies, governments, labour and civil society are within
the sustainable development paradigm and then an honest
attempt to do better."48 The problem, however, is that
"better" does not equal sustainable. As long as industry
refuses to go beyond more eco-efficient resource use and
other techno-fixes, their impact on the environment and
communities will remain unacceptable. Such critique is
not warmly welcomed. "You are damned if you do and damned
if you do not when trying to change things in a different
way," Sandbrook feels.
Boycotting Rio+10
The attempts by the mining industry to define mining
as a sustainable economic activity have made many campaign
groups reject the MMSD process and the GMI initiative.
At the Prep-com in Bali, 74 representatives of affected
communities and other activists met to strategise. While
many of these groups do work with the mining industry
to reduce its impact on communities and the environment,
they condemn "the mining industry's propaganda that seeks
to legitimise this unsustainable industry."49
At the Bali Prep-com, mining campaigners highlighted
the continued malpractices of numerous corporations involved
in the GMI and the MMSD project. The South African Anglo-American
Corporation was accused of donating a multimillion amount
to the WSSD while "leaving behind a legacy of billions
of dollars of damage to the environment and communities
around Johannesburg itself." US-based Newmont, the world's
largest gold mining company, has caused human, ecological
and economic damage on all five continents. At its Nusa
Tenggara site in Indonesia, Newmont dumps 120,000 tons
of waste into the coastal waters of Sumbawa, thereby causing
serious pollution and destruction of people's livelihoods.
Placer Dome, from Canada, has abandoned the Philippines
after causing one of the world's worst mining disasters
on the Island of Marinduque.
Rio Tinto's operations have provoked the creation of
a worldwide coalition to resists its abuses. The company
has conducted mining activities within the Poboya protected
area in Indonesia, and "failed to heed the demands of
indigenous communities to cancel a uranium mine in a World
Heritage protected area in Australia."50
The outcome of the mining caucus was a joint decision
to boycott the WSSD process. Mining campaigners agreed
that participation in the process "had not actually furthered
efforts for the recognition of human rights and ecological
justice."51 "Instead", they concluded, the process "had
been co-opted in an attempt to validate the activities
of the G8 and large corporations." "The inclusion of 'sustainable
mining' as a concept was a direct result of lobbying by
the Global Mining Initiative, a campaign arm of some of
the largest mining corporations," the caucus states. "Human
rights and ecological justice cannot be priorities in
a conference sponsored by transnational corporations,
most of which are the worst polluters on the planet",
the caucus adds in its explanation of the decision to
boycott the Johannesburg summit.52
In sharp contrast with the feeble MMSD recommendations,
the mining caucus demanded effective solutions, such as
a moratorium on all new mines and the immediate shutdown
of existing mines when communities demand it. They called
for a ban on destructive mining technologies, abolishment
of child labour in all mines as well as for respect and
upholding of the rights and welfare of peoples and communities.
Wake-up call
The protests from the mining caucus are unlikely to make
industry rethink the merits of its 'sustainable mining'
campaign. More likely, the WBCSD will attempt to portray
the mining caucus as irresponsible radicals. Undoubtedly
they will find other, more 'pragmatic' NGOs who are still
willing to endorse the GMI. Chances are the project will
still get the UN's seal of approval in Johannesburg as
an official Type II summit outcome. If this happens, the
corporate co-optation of the UN will have reached new
heights and the UN's credibility will suffer dramatically.
The corporate bias in the Rio+10 process alienates large
parts of the movements which are most genuinely committed
to social and environmental change. The caucus' decision
to boycott the summit is a wake-up call to the UN leadership,
governments and parts of civil society. A drastic change
of course is needed to save the rapidly degenerating Rio+10
process from turning into a fullblown scandal.
Thanks to Tove Selin, Ivana Jakubkova and many others.
For more on corporate greenwash and Rio+10, visit the
Greenwash Academy:
1. Yuri Onodera, FoE Japan, Update on PrepCom IV circulated
to FoE groups, June 2002.
2. Two recommended analyses of the implications of such
conflicts are: Johannesburg Watch: Why Trade and Finance
Groups Should Get Involved in the World Summit Process,
Celine Tan, Third World Network, July 2002 and Yuri Onodera,
FoE Japan, Update on PrepCom IV, circulated to FoE groups,
June 2002.
3. "White House Hopes Summit Will Emphasise Partnerships
Between Government, Industry." International Environment
Daily, June 21 2002.
4. For more info on the controversy around Type II outcomes,
see: Rio+10 and the privatisation of sustainable development,
Corporate Europe Observer, issue 11, May 2002.
5. In Cochabamba, Bolivia, prices hikes following privatisation
led to a popular uprising, causing the government to intervene.
Energy privatization in South Africa has resulted in thousands
of people being cut off from energy delivery. Particularly
the poorest, in areas like the Johannesburg suburb Soweto,
cannot afford the increased fees charged by the privatised
Eskom corporation, a leading member of the BASD. The victims
of privatisation have organised themselves in the Anti-Privatisation
Forum, which will also be actively involved in civil society
events parallel to the WSSD. For an extensive analysis
of the impacts of outsourcing water supply to private
corporations, see for instance Water in Public Hands,
Public Services International (2002) and visit the PSI
website at
6. See BASD website:
7. A Business Sector Contribution to the Fourth Session
of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations World
Summit on Sustainable Development, Reuel Khoza (Chairman
Eskom), speech at the PrepCom IV, Bali, Indonesia, 29
May 2002.
8. The Global Compact has gained legitimacy in the eyes
of many due to the fact that it has also been endorsed
by NGOs such as WWF or Amnesty International. Many other
civil society groups, united in the Alliance for a Corporate-Free
UN, continue to challenge the Global Compact and the trend
of corporate co-optation of the UN.
9. Business ready to take action on Summit goals, Statement
by Mark Moody-Stuart at the plenary session on partnerships,
Bali, 6th June 2002.
10. WBCSD executive member update, June 2002.
11. Ibid.
12. 'The Russel Column', Tomorrow, July 2002.
13. Ibid.
14. WBCSD executive member update, June 2002.
15. WSSD Prepcom IV Highlights, May 28 2002, Earth Negotiations
Bulletin, vol 22, n.32
16. "Sustainability Summit Preparatory Session Ends With
Agreement on 80 Percent of Text", International Environment
Daily, June 10 2002.
17. Business proposes partnerships for action, Lord Holme
of Cheltenham (BASD Vice-Chairman), Opening Address, Multi-Stakeholder
Dialogue Opening Plenary Session, PrepCom IV - Bali, Indonesia,
29 May 2002.
18. WBCSD executive member update, June 2002.
19. For more background information on the WBCSD and
its hijacking of the Earth Summit, see: Europe Inc., Corporate
Europe Observatory, 2000, chapter 16.
20. Phil Watts has chaired the WBCSD since January 2002,
former chairman is Chad Holliday, CEO of Dupont. The Executive
Committee members are Rodney Chase, deputy CEO of BP,
Teruaki Masumoto, vice-president of Tepco, Pasquale Pistorio,
CEO of STMicroelectronics and Sir Robert Wilson, executive
chairman of Rio Tinto.
21. "Shaping a deal for the Johannesburg 2002 Summit".
Claude Fussler, speech at the High Level Seminar on Globalisation,
Sustainable Development and the Europea Union's external
policies, Green Globe Task Force / World Wide Fund for
Nature, Brussels, 22-23 October 2001.
22. State of Planet is Getting Worse, but for Many it's
Still 'Business as Usual', UNEP Press Release, Paris/Nairobi,
May 15 2002.
23. "Sustainability profile 3: Advertising", Environment
Daily 1246, 28 June. The report is done by the European
Association of Communication Agencies (EACA) and the World
Federation of advertisers (WFA).
24. Idem.
25. See WBCSD website:
26. Foreword by Bjorn Stigson of Sector projects, WBCSD
brochure launched in 28 May 2002 in Bali.
27. Summit Focus n.1
28. The report was produced by the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology and Charles River Associates
29. WBCSD mobility report attracts fire from NGOs, 12
April 2002.
30. They Say: People Desire Mobility, by Ivana Jakubkova,
31. Participants entering the stakeholder dialogue were
given copies of the Ultimate Greenwash Award which the
WBCSD has received from Corpwatch.
32. They Say: People Desire Mobility, by Ivana Jakubkova,
33. Working group members are Anova Holding (Schmidheiny's
company), Aracruz Celulose, BCSD Gulf of Mexico, Companhia
Vale do Rio Doce, Environmental Resources Management Group,
Fletcher Challenge, Gerling-Konzern Insurances, GrupoNUEVA,
Mitsubishi, Royal Philips Electronics, SGS Societe Generale
de Surveillance Holding, Shell International, Soane Investimentos,
SOPORCEL - Sociedade Portuguesa de Papel, Stora Enso,
Procter & Gamble, UBS, UPM-Kymmene and Weyerhaeuser.
34. Forest dialogue members are: Nigel Sizer -WRI, Scott
Wallinger -WBCSD/Westvaco, Justin Stead -WWF, Steven Bass-
IIED, and representatives from Aracruz, International
Paper, UPM-Kymmene, Shell Natural Resources, Private Forest
Owners (3), Imazon, IRG, IFBWW, Greenpeace, IUCN, WB,
RCEEE, Russian Forest Industry and Yale University Forest
Forum. The forestry project is currently chaired by the
CEOs of Westvaco and International Paper and co-chaired
by the CEOs of Aracruz and UPM-Kymmene.
35. The Forest Dialogue also aims to develop effective
actions to combat illegal logging, better understanding
of deforestations causes, the creation of new public-private
partnerships to address forest issues and a greater recognition
of the environmental benefits of wood products.
36. Terranova owns 296,000 acres of forests in Chile,
20,000 acres in Brazil and 280,000 in Venezuela. The vast
majority are pine plantations, although 80,000 acres of
the company's forests in Chile are natural forests. Panama
and Guatemala are teak and natural forests. Terranova
produces doors, moldings, doorskins and fiberboard, mostly
exported to the US market. Source: Forest and Globalisation:
a business perspective, keynote address by Stephan Schmidheiny,
at the 10th anniversary of the Yale School of Forestry
and Environmental Studies, 7 October 2000.
37. Idem.
38. Is certification the solution? WRM website, Http://
39. Idem.
40. RAPP belongs to APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International
41. Information on UPM-Kymmene/APRIL found on the Friends
of the Earth Finland website
42. Information on Aracruz Celulose from the World Rainforest
Movement bulletin.
43. BHP, Anglo American, Noranda, WMC Resources, Phelps
Dodge, Placer Dome, Rio Tinto, Newmont, Codelco. These
nine companies, together with Billiton, comprise the WBCSD's
Mining and Metal Working Group.
45. According to Richard Sandbrook, WBCSD representative
for the MMSD project, the Type II outcome was not the
idea when the project was designed, the link to Rio+10
was just "another political incentive". Sandbrook explains,
"Industry does not expect much of Johannesburg, so they're
putting all concentration on building a follow up in ICMM,
based on the MMSD". Email correspondence with Richard
Sandbrook, 18 June 2002.
46. "As part of its future work program, and in conjunction
with the WSSD, the ICMM will advance public-private partnerships
for consideration. The partnerships will address reporting
guidelines, community development management tools and
biodiversity conservation." GMI initiative listed under
the BASD partnerships for the WSSD.
47. The Global Mining Initiative: Changing Expectations
- Meeting Human Needs and Aspirations, by R J McNeilly,
Executive Director and President BHP Minerals, 2000 Minerals
Industry Seminar, Mineral Council of Australia, June 7
48. Email correspondence with Richard Sandbrook, 18
June 2002.
49. Mining Multinationals: The Problem, not the Solution,
International Mining Workshop, Bali, 30 May 2002.
50. Idem.
51. Affected Communities and Non-Governmental Organizations
Boycott the WSSD, by Tracey Glynn for JATAM Mining Advocacy
Network, June 28 2002, in Drillbits & Tailings, volume
7, n.5, 30 June 2002. No Tears for the WSSD, Statement
of the participants of the International Mining Workshop,
Bali, 4 June 2002.
52. Idem.