Environmental Impact Assessment

Table 3. Metals in Influent
(micrograms/litre) - Malabar

  DATE     Flow*  As     Cd     Cr     Cu     Pb     Hg     Ni     Se     Ag     Zn     
 12/7/89   647    <1     4.01   183.0  343.8  103.0  3.09   103.2  3.5    27.88  512    
 18/7/89   659    <1     2.95   143.0  257.1  37.7   4.19   82.4   1.33   18.87  482    
 24/7/89   591    <1     7.67   174.6  519.8  225.6  13.41  80.9   11.31  20.03  485    
 6/9/89    570    <1     3.20   219.4  1835.  220.2  1.46   83.1   4.53   20.46  471    
 12/9/89   571    <1     3.29   340.3  1126.  42.7   1.51   81.7   5.89   24.82  476    
 18/9/89   549    <1     2.00   217.0  893.0  98.0   2.00   110.0  2.00   18.00  359    
 24/9/89   579    125.3  2.12   181.7  297.9  45.7   1.26   47.5   133.7  27.85  936    
 30/9/89   574    69.5   4.02   330.8  388.4  72.6   7.97   90.3   79.13  92.6   592    
 6/10/89   572    51.5   7.12   158.2  210.0  80.1   1.56   77.9   84.56  48.29  810    
12/10/89   582    40.8   2.83   135.9  353.8  65.4   2.45   119.9  68.08  5.95   439    
18/10/89   550    214.0  3.26   185.1  322.4  50.4   1.04   74.3   259.1  13.25  437    
24/10/89   560    201.5  5.00   182.4  333.8  50.7   2.16   95.4   244.1  17.07  521    
30/10/89   535    32.9   42.75  1098.  3726.  831.7  0.72   471.1  62.09  27.86  4966   
                                0      3                                                
 5/11/89   557    148.3  4.60   216.9  707.0  116.4  2.14   116.1  193.8  9.68   2920   
11/11/89   542    4.0    0.82   110.5  165.2  30.5   1.50   36.0   2.22   4.64   224    
17/11/89   618    5.8    4.70   238.3  401.8  74.7   1.29   107.9  8.81   15.89  808    
23/11/89   574    4.5    4.25   245.2  460.4  60.3   3.64   125.4  4.01   21.95  457    
29/11/89   566    2.0    4.09   117.9  221.4  49.1   3.51   33.6   2.59   19.27  224    
 5/12/89   780    2.1    0.76   103.3  111.4  31.8   1.00   39.7   0.10   7.41   209    
11/12/89   686    1.5    0.04   56.5   103.0  10.7   0.49   27.4   0.52   1.85   88     
17/12/89   601    24.0   48.59  1677.  4209.  762.7  3.64   853.0  108.9  108.7  4674   
                                5      4                           5      6             
23/12/89   559    6.5    2.13   72.3   235.6  102.8  1.02   56.2   <1     12.68  761    
29/12/89   494    10.3   7.54   222.6  440.7  54     3.42   152.7  <1     15.92  1982   
 4/1/90    546    6.0    2.15   69.3   188.0  57.4   1.66   32.5   <1     8.24   103    
 10/1/90   923    7.4    3.06   68.3   263.7  87.1   6.48   81.4   <1     12.53  227    
 16/1/90   587    9.0    4.06   87.1   366.1  83.2   1.87   55.6   <1     10.92  263    
 22/1/90   555    8.8    1.90   84.2   330.7  57.1   3.01   45.1   <1     13.46  255    
 28/1/90   533    14.4   1.21   58.9   215.1  55.2   7.38   36.2   <1     2.91   129    
 3/2/90    1239   4.4    1.40   49.0   184.0  42.5   1.7    46.5   <1     3.04   380    
 9/2/90    1003   2.6    1.80   68.0   197.0  68.5   0.90   36.5   <1     7.34   364    
 15/2/90   863    3.4    2.90   82.0   258.0  48.5   1.70   54.5   16.80  10.84  403    
 21/2/90   787    2.6    3.60   94.0   217.0  42.5   0.70   44.5   1.60   10.84  451    
 6/3/90    697    7.2    10.50  239.0  732.0  214.5  3.70   169.5  15.80  31.84  1396   
 average   644    31     6.1    228    625    120    2.8    111    40     21     842    
 median    574    6      3.3    158    331    60     1.9    81     3.5    16     458    
T/yr (1)   --     6.4    1.3    47     132    26     0.6    23     8.3    4.3    177    
T/yr (2)   --     1.3    0.7    33     69     13     0.4    17     0.7    3.3    96     

* Flow is in ML/day
(1) average of (concentration multiplied by flow on day of sampling) by 365 days.
(2) multiplying median concentration by median flow of 574 ML/day by 365 days.

Information taken from Water Board, Malabar Sewage Treatment Plant SPCC Compliance Report, 17 Dec.1989-10 Mar.1990.



© 2003 Sharon Beder