by Sharon Beder
Human Skin Cancer
Sunscreen and Fabric
The Mouse Model of Cancer
Studies Using Skin Tissue
Drugs and Sunlight
Plant and Algae Growth
Technological Fixes
It is important, however, not to become complacent that science can provide all the answers. It would be a mistake to think that we don’t have to worry about ozone depletion because scientists will develop the appropropirate sunscreens and vaccines to protect us as well as genetic engineering and drugs to protect animals and plants.
Sunscreens still allow some UV radiation through and the higher their SPF the higher the concentration of active chemical ingredients that they contain. Little research has been done yet on the effects of these chemicals on humans, particularly when they are heavily and regularly used throughout a person’s lifetime. It is dangerous to rely incautiously on a technological fix because such fixes sometimes bring their own problems.
Similarly the vaccines and drugs that may be developed to give enhanced natural protection, to prevent skin cancers or to send skin cancers into remission are likely to have a set of side-effects of their own. The genetic engineering that may be required to protect crops from UV radiation may have unforeseen consequences for the ecosystems that surround them. And what about those plants and animals that have no commercial value to humans? Will they just be left to suffer the onslaught of increasing UV radiation so that only those that can adapt survive?
Whilst radical technological solutions could become necessary, most people would agree that it is far better to prevent the situation from getting to that point. Ozone depletion, although a global problem, is a far simpler problem to solve than many other environmental problems. There is a general agreement in the scientific community about both the reality and the cause of ozone depletion. It is caused by a relatively small number of chemicals, mainly CFCs and halons, most of which have susbstitutes already available. This should make it more difficult for those with vested interests to oppose prohibition of these chemicals.