Business-managed democracies are those in which the political and cultural arrangements are managed in the interests of business. Topics include: |
The collapse of Wingecarribee Wetlands: An Australian environmental tragedy. A website designed, researched and produced for the Robertson Environment Protection Society (REPS) |
The need for a precautionary approach to the use of copper chrome arsenate (CCA) as a timber preservative. This website has been designed and produced by Sharon Beder with research and text by Nina Lansbury Hall and Sharon Beder. |
The dangers of pindone rabbit-baiting to native wildlife and the cruelty to rabbits is canvassed aswell as regulatory issues. A website designed and produced by Sharon Beder with research and text by Richard Gosden and Sharon Beder. |
![]() Topics include: |
An internet course written, designed and produced for the University of Wollongong |
An internet course written, designed and produced for the University of Wollongong on the socio-political context of environmental issues. |
Website maintained for Australian Options Magazine till mid-2010. |
Poems and Stories by Jacqui Beder Google website designed for Jacqui Beder that she can maintain for herself |