in Australia - Ballina |
In Australia, Bill
Ringland, chair of the Clean Seas Coalition, was sued by his local
council for putting out a press release that the council claimed
was defamatory. The press release, which was quoted in the local
paper, The Northern Star, said that sewage "will continue to be
pumped out surreptitiously at night" from the local ocean outfall.
Ringland was referring to Ballina Shire Council's practice of discharging
sewage effluent at night from its treatment ponds and the fact that
most local residents were unaware of this practice. The Council
chose to interpret the use of the word 'sewage' in Ringland's press
release as raw sewage rather than treated sewage and the word 'surreptitiously'
as secretly and unlawfully and therefore claimed that the press
release was falsely accusing the Council of breaching its license
The Council, via its solicitors,
demanded an apology from Ringland, who declined. The Northern
Star, however, printed a full apology on its own behalf, saying
that it accepted "the view of the Ballina Shire Council that there
is no sewage being put into the sea by the council." The newspaper
also suggested that the Clean Seas Coalition was unjustifiably
trying to discredit the council.
The Court of Appeal of the Supreme
Court of NSW found (in a 2 to 1 decision) that a Council could
not sue for defamation (although individual councillors could).
In his judgement Judge Gleeson stated that
The idea of a democracy
is that people are encouraged to express their criticisms, even
their wrong-headed criticisms, of elected governmental institutions,
in the expectation that this process will improve the quality
of the government. The fact that the institutions are democratically
elected is supposed to mean that, through a process of political
debate and decision, the citizens in a community govern themselves.
To treat government institutions as having a 'governing reputation'
which the common law will protect against criticism on the part
of citizens is, to my mind, incongruous.
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© 2003 Sharon
Beder |