In 1986 the Helensburgh District
Protection Society was formed after Wollongong City Council proposed
that the town of Helensburgh, on the southern edge of Sydney,
be dramatically expanded. Members of the Protection Society, believed
such development would be environmentally damaging. The Donohoes
and Tim Tapsell were active members of the society, Tim Tapsell
acting as spokesperson on several occasions and Jenny Donohoe
as secretary. The Protection Society opposed a number of development
proposals in the following years including a Wollongong City Council
plan in 1990 to rezone land in the green belt between Sydney and
Wollongong, adjoining the Royal National Park as residential land.
There were 5103 submissions in response to the plan, the vast
majority opposing the urban expansion, and as a result the Council
dropped the plan in 1991. The following year the Council put a
new plan on public display which included the rezoning of much
of the land as "environmental protection". Public submissions
were invited on the plan.
In all their activities the Protection
Society was careful not to name individual persons or companies
so as to avoid defamation suits and so the Donohoes and Tapsell
were shocked to be served with a writ in 1993. According to the
writ against them, they had forwarded letters to the council promoting
rezoning; printed and arranged for about 1085 people to sign copies
of letters promoting the rezoning which they delivered to council;
and written articles in favour of the rezoning which were subsequently
published. They do not deny any of this. However, the developers
argue that the effect of this rezoning (for environmental protection)
would be to prevent them from developing their land and that "the
defendants were aware of that effect and sought to achieve that
effect". They therefore sought to claim damages from the defendants
for those losses. The developers also claim that the published
articles were inaccurate and misleading because, amongst other
things, the articles claimed that environmental damage will result
from residential development in the area.
The defendants claimed that far
from conspiring to deprive the developers of their profits they
were responding to a request by Wollongong City Council for the
public to make submissions on the Local Environment Plan. In fact
the successful operation of the NSW Environmental Planning and
Assessment Act depends on public submissions. The defendants argued
that their submissions supported rezoning for environmental reasons;
they wanted to prevent pollution of the Hacking River, prevent
proliferation of urban sprawl, protect natural and native flora
and fauna in the area and preserve the natural buffer between
Wollongong and Sydney.
Aided by the efforts of the Helensburgh
District Protection Society, Wollongong City Council received
over 7000 submissions this time with over 5000 of them supporting
the rezoning for environmental protection. The Council decided
to go ahead with the rezoning but was forced by the Minister for
Planning, who had been lobbied by the developers, to hold a Commission
of inquiry.
Shortly before the inquiry, the
Donohoes were threatened with further legal action for lobbying
to have the inquiry cancelled. At the opening of the inquiry Jenny
Donohoe told the Commissioner that her submission could be jeopardised
because of the legal action against her. Consequently the Commissioner
was concerned that the legal action might jeopardise the inquiry
itself. As a result the developers made an undertaking not to
further prosecute the existing Supreme Court case till the conclusion
of the Inquiry and not to pursue any action as a result of statements
made at the inquiry. Nevertheless the Donohoes' lawyers warned
them that such an undertaking had no legal force and the Donohoes'
ability to participate in the inquiry was severely hampered because
of the forthcoming case. According to Jenny Donohoe others were
also affected when they heard of the writ and removed their submissions
from the inquiry.
At the end of 1994 the Commissioner
recommended that more than three quarters of the land be zoned
for "environmental protection" and the remaining lands be subject
to further studies before it is zoned. Most recently the newly
elected State Government was reported as banning large-scale residential
development at Helensburgh at least till the results of a three
year study into Sydney's air quality has been completed. But the
writ still hangs above the heads of the Donohoes and Tapsell.
The developers show no sign of bringing it to court and it remains
in limbo, able to be activated whenever the developers feel it
might be useful.
The writ has already cost the
defendants thousands of dollars, even though the case has yet
to come to court and the developers are unlikely to win if it
does. It has also taken its toll in stress and sickness within
the families involved. Recent changes to the Legal Aid Commission,
reinstating legal aid for public interest environment matters,
may mean that they will have some limited financial support if
the case goes to court. But for Jenny Donohoe there is no doubt
that SLAPPs do work to intimidate community minded citizens and
to victimise key individuals so that their voice is not heard.
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