was mined at Wingecarribee by Emerald Peat Pty Ltd. This was done
by dredging it from a floating pontoon with a dragline. The pontoon
floated on a pool of water (the dredge pool) created by the hole
left by the removal of peat.
extracted peat was mixed with water to form a slurry that was pumped
to a processing plant. There it was dewatered using presses. The
processing water was transferred to a series of sedimentation ponds
in a disused quarry where the solids were settled out and the remaining
water returned to the swamp.
converted peatlands to open water and because the axis of the swamp
had a slope of 1:300, the upstream bank of the dredge pool tended
to dry out and crack and become potentially unstable (see environmental
impacts and causes of environmental

Philippa Resource Officer, Catchment Planning Sydney South Coast
Region, Department of Land and Water Conservation Hydrology Comments,
Mine Warden Inquiry, May 1997, Exhibit 88.
Ellison, Summary of Submissions by Emerald Peat Pty Ltd, 1997.
and Associates, Wingecarribee Swamp: Aquatic Vegetation Condition
(Health) Restoration Issues, May 1997, pp. 2-3, 8-9.